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 Economic Project Studies Index
    Publisher: Kaiser Research Online
    Author: Copyright 2013 John A Kaiser

Economic Project Studies Index
The reports below represent various sort orders for key parameters from 43-101 compliant economic studies such as preliminary economic assessments (PEA), prefeasibility studies (PFS), and feasibility studies (FS, DFS, BFS) published by Canadian listed resource companies. The data presented consists of base case numbers headlined in the studies, as well as pre-tax NPV and pre-tax IRR simulations that use spot metal prices and life of mine cost and production averages. The latter are done using the study's discount rate as well as a 10% discount rate to create comparability. Study dates range from 2007 to the present which creates comparability issues in terms of cost assumptions (severe annual CapEx and OpEx escalation occurred during 2007-2012 that has rendered older cost assumptions obsolete, while metal price volatility has rendered base case metal prices typically based on three-year trailing averages nearly meaningless). The listing only includes the most recently published study for a project. Each project in the economic study listing has links to the KRO company profile, a more detailed summary of the study in the study segment of the project in the profile, and a link to the technical report. The listing also includes links to the company web site and its Sedar filings. Because there is no consistency in the way companies present the results of economic studies, in particular with regard to reporting pre-tax and after-tax NPV and IRR, the listing will have gaps in the latter. Although care has been taken in the compilation of this information, it is only intended as a guide for more detailed research. Anybody seeking to rely on specific information should verify its accuracy through direct reference to the technical report.
Group Sort Item Report Link Description
After-Tax Sensitivity Cobalt After-Tax NPV/IRR Charts Alphabetical Sensitivity Charts for all current project studies sorted alphabetically by company name. By-Products priced at spot. Chart is link to study details within KRO company profile.
After-Tax Sensitivity Copper After-Tax NPV/IRR Charts Alphabetical Sensitivity Charts for all current project studies sorted alphabetically by company name. By-Products priced at spot. Chart is link to study details within KRO company profile.
After-Tax Sensitivity Copper After-Tax NPV/IRR Charts by NPV Sensitivity Charts for all current project studies sorted by NPV in descending order. By-Products priced at spot. Chart is link to study details within KRO company profile.
After-Tax Sensitivity Copper After-Tax NPV/IRR Charts by LOM Output Sensitivity Charts for all current project studies sorted byd LOM copper output in descending order. By-Products priced at spot. Chart is link to study details within KRO company profile.
After-Tax Sensitivity Gold After-Tax NPV/IRR Charts Alphabetical Sensitivity Charts for all current project studies sorted alphabetically by company name. By-Products priced at spot. Chart is link to study details within KRO company profile.
After-Tax Sensitivity Gold After-Tax NPV/IRR Charts by NPV Sensitivity Charts for all current project studies sorted by NPV in descending order. By-Products priced at spot. Chart is link to study details within KRO company profile.
After-Tax Sensitivity Gold After-Tax NPV/IRR Charts by LOM Output Sensitivity Charts for all current project studies sorted by LOM gold output in descending order. By-Products priced at spot. Chart is link to study details within KRO company profile.
After-Tax Sensitivity Gold After-Tax NPV/IRR Charts by Grade Sensitivity Charts for all current project studies sorted by average gold grade in descending order. By-Products priced at spot. Chart is link to study details within KRO company profile.
After-Tax Sensitivity Manganese After-Tax NPV/IRR Charts Alphabetical Sensitivity Charts for all current project studies sorted alphabetically by company name. By-Products priced at spot. Chart is link to study details within KRO company profile.
After-Tax Sensitivity Molybdenum After-Tax NPV/IRR Charts Alphabetical Sensitivity Charts for all current project studies sorted alphabetically by company name. By-Products priced at spot. Chart is link to study details within KRO company profile.
After-Tax Sensitivity Nickel After-Tax NPV/IRR Charts Alphabetical Sensitivity Charts for all current project studies sorted alphabetically by company name. By-Products priced at spot. Chart is link to study details within KRO company profile.
After-Tax Sensitivity Palladium After-Tax NPV/IRR Charts Alphabetical Sensitivity Charts for all current project studies sorted alphabetically by company name. By-Products priced at spot. Chart is link to study details within KRO company profile.
After-Tax Sensitivity Silver After-Tax NPV/IRR Charts Alphabetical Sensitivity Charts for all current project studies sorted alphabetically by company name. By-Products priced at spot. Chart is link to study details within KRO company profile.
After-Tax Sensitivity Tungsten After-Tax NPV/IRR Charts Alphabetical Sensitivity Charts for all current project studies sorted alphabetically by company name. By-Products priced at spot. Chart is link to study details within KRO company profile.
After-Tax Sensitivity Uranium After-Tax NPV/IRR Charts Alphabetical Sensitivity Charts for all current project studies sorted alphabetically by company name. By-Products priced at spot. Chart is link to study details within KRO company profile.
After-Tax Sensitivity Vanadium After-Tax NPV/IRR Charts Alphabetical Sensitivity Charts for all current project studies sorted alphabetically by company name. By-Products priced at spot. Chart is link to study details within KRO company profile.
After-Tax Sensitivity Zinc After-Tax NPV/IRR Charts Alphabetical Sensitivity Charts for all current project studies sorted alphabetically by company name. By-Products priced at spot. Chart is link to study details within KRO company profile.
Alphabetical by Company All project studies sorted alphabetically by company name.
Costs by Operating Rate
Costs Only sorted by Daily Operating Rate Basic study info including tonnage, grades and costs with link to project section in KRO profile, sorted by operating rate in descending order.
Operating Rate
Daily Operating Rate Sorted by mining type (ISL,OP, OP/UG, UG) and operating rate in descending order.
Reported CapEx CapEx for all projects sorted in descending order.
Reported OpEx OpEx per tonne for all projects sorted in ascending order.
Annual Cash Flow Base Case Pre-Tax Base Case Annual Cash Flow Calculated annual average pre-tax cash flow based on base case metal prices and LOM average costs and annual output in descending order for all projects.

Spot Pre-Tax Spot Annual Cash Flow Calculated annual average pre-tax cash flow based on spot metal prices and LOM average costs and annual output in descending order for all projects.
Net Present Value Pre-Tax Base Case Reported Pre-Tax NPV Reported Pre-Tax NPV based on study's base case metal prices and discount rate sorted in descending order.

Pre-Tax Spot Calculated Spot Pre-Tax NPV Calculated pre-tax NPV using base case costs, average annual output, and discount rate but substituting spot metal prices, presented in descending order.

Pre-Tax Spot at 10% Calculated 10% Spot Pre-Tax NPV Calculated pre-tax NPV using base case costs, average annual output, and 10% discount rate but substituting spot metal prices, presented in descending order.

After-Tax Base Case Reported After-Tax NPV Reported After-Tax NPV based on study's base case metal prices and discount rate sorted in descending order.
Internal Rate of Return Pre-Tax Base Case Reported Pre-Tax IRR Reported Pre-Tax IRR based on study's base case metal prices and discount rate sorted in descending order.

Pre-Tax Spot Calculated Spot Pre-Tax IRR Calculated Pre-Tax IRR based on study's base case LOM cost and output averages and discount rate, but using spot metal prices, sorted in descending order.

Pre-Tax Spot at 10% Calculated 10% Spot Pre-Tax IRR Calculated pre-tax IRR using base case costs, average annual output, and 10% discount rate but substituting spot metal prices, presented in descending order.

After-Tax Base Case Reported After-Tax IRR Reported After-Tax IRR based on study's base case metal prices and discount rate sorted in descending order.
Market Pricing NPV Pre-Tax Market Pricing Reported Base Case Pre-Tax NPV The percentage the net base case pre-tax NPV (reported) per fully diluted share is above or below the current stock price, presented in descending order.

Market Pricing Calculated Spot Pre-Tax NPV The percentage the net spot price based pre-tax NPV (calculated) per fully diluted share is above or below the current stock price, presented in descending order.

Market Pricing Calculated Base Case Pre-Tax NPV The percentage the net pre-tax NPV per fully diluted share, as calculated using LOM production and cost averages at the base case discount rate and metal prices, is above or below the current stock price, presented in descending order. This calculation is done because some advanced studies do not report a pre-tax NPV.
Primary Metal NPV Pre-Tax Base Reported Base Case Pre-Tax NPV by Metal Reported base case pre-tax NPV grouped by primary metal and presented in descending order.

NPV Pre-Tax Spot Calculated Spot Pre-Tax NPV by Metal Calculated pre-tax NPV using base case costs, average annual output, and discount rate but substituting spot metal prices, grouped by primary metal and presented in descending order.

NPV Pre-Tax Calc Calculated Base Case Pre-Tax NPV by Metal Calculated pre-tax NPV using base case costs, average annual output, metal prices and discount rate, grouped by primary metal and presented in descending order.

NPV After-Tax Base Case Base Case After-Tax NPV by Metal Reported base case after-tax NPV grouped by primary metal and presented in descending order.

IRR Pre-Tax Base Case Reported Reported Base Case Pre-Tax IRR by Metal Reported base case pre-tax IRR grouped by primary metal and presented in descending order.

IRR After-Tax Base Case Reported Reported Base Case After-Tax IRR by Metal Reported base case after-tax IRR grouped by primary metal and presented in descending order. Not available for all studies.

IRR Pre-Tax Spot Calc Calculated Spot Pre-Tax IRR by Metal Calculated pre-tax IRR using spot metal prices and base case costs and LOM averages, grouped by primary metal and presented in descending order. Available for all studies.

IRR Pre-Tax Base Case Calc Calculated Base Case Pre-Tax IRR by Metal Calculated pre-tax IRR using base case costs and metal prices but with LOM output averages, grouped by primary metal and presented in descending order. Available for all studies.

Market Pricing NPV Pre-Tax Base Case Reported Market Pricing Reported Base Case Pre-Tax NPV by Metal The percentage the net base case pre-tax NPV (reported) per fully diluted share is above or below the current stock price, grouped by metal and presented in descending order.

Market Pricing NPV Pre-Tax Spot Calculated Market Pricing Calculated Spot Pre-Tax NPV by Metal The percentage the net spot price based pre-tax NPV (calculated) per fully diluted share is above or below the current stock price, presented in descending order.

Market Pricing NPV Pre-Tax Base Case Calculated Market Pricing Calculated Base Case Pre-Tax NPV by Metal The percentage the net pre-tax NPV per fully diluted share, as calculated using LOM production and cost averages at the base case discount rate and metal prices, is above or below the current stock price, presented in descending order. This calculation is done because some advanced studies do not report a pre-tax NPV.

Reported OpEx OpEx by Metal OpEx per tonne in ascending order grouped by primary metal.

Unit Cash Cost Base Case Cash Cost per Unit net of BC By-Products Cash Cost per unit net of by-products at base case prices in ascending order grouped by primary metal.

Unit Cash Cost Spot Cash Cost per Unit net of Spot By-Products Cash Cost per unit net of by-products at spot prices in ascending order grouped by primary metal.

Unit All-In Cost Base Case All-In Cost per Unit net of BC By-Products All-In Cost per unit net of by-products at base case prices in ascending order grouped by primary metal.

Unit All-In Cost Spot All-In Cost per Unit net of Spot By-Products All-In Cost per unit net of by-products at spot prices in ascending order grouped by primary metal.

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